This online exhibition has been curated by the Special School Creative Community. This is a new community of practice that is supported by Create Sheffield, Sheffield’s Cultural Education Partnership. To find out more, check out our website. Create Sheffield is supported by IVE, the Arts Council England Bridge Organisation for Yorkshire and the Humber.
The Creativity Community are:
Claire Lount (Seven Hills)
Annie Critcher (Bents Green)
Alice Mount (Rowan)
Mark Dolan (Talbot)
Rachel Ashton (Holgate Meadows)
Hannah Flynn (Sheaf Training Centre)
Katie Meeney (Mossbrook)
Tippy Uhuru (Woolley Wood)
Matthew Laurie (Freelance)
Website aesthetic devised by the Creative Community
Website development by Matthew Laurie
If you’d like to find out more about the exhibition or network, or if you’d like your school to be part of the community of practice then please get in touch using the form below.